The Lucky Chance (2020)

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the March 27—April 5 run of The Lucky Chance at AS220 was canceled. The cast released a performance of the play over Zoom, with props and sound effects, as a Pride Month special in June; both acts can be watched on our Facebook page. We hope that when this crisis is over, we’ll be able to bring you the production as it was meant to be seen. In the meantime, follow us on Facebook and join our e-mail distribution list for updates on our quarantine projects, and please consider making a contribution to offset the losses caused by this cancellation.

The Lucky Chance by Aphra Behn - Poster

March 27 – April 5, 2020

Everybody’s trying to get ahead. Everybody’s trying to stay afloat. In Aphra Behn’s dark sex farce, money can always buy love – is luck enough to win it back? One way or another, someone’s getting screwed.

Two young women have married rich old men; what daring, ridiculous, and/or unethical measures will their boyfriends take to win them back? “This show contains multitudes,” says artistic director Rebecca Maxfield. “Just about every character is deeply, deeply stupid and there’s some amazing farce, but Behn also offers a really sharp feminist critique of misogyny and the system that forces women into marriage, and there are some genuine surprises in how that plays out.”

Concludes 2019-2020: In War With Time

Harry BELMOUR…..Mr. Alvaro BELTRAN
Charles GAYMAN…..Ms. Gabriella SANCHEZ
Julia, Lady FULBANK….Mx. Carson PAVAO
Sir Feeble FAINWOUD…..Ms. Nancy WINOKOOR
Sir Cautious FULBANK…..Ms. Mary PAOLINO
DIANA…..Ms. Ashley SOTO
Ensemble…..Mr. Ezra JORDAN

Directed by Ms. Rebecca MAXFIELD
Stage Managed by Mr. Kevin THIBAULT
Costumes by Ms. Marissa DUFAULT

Note: This play contains sexual situations and references to non-consensual sex, and is not appropriate for young children. Please contact us if you would like more information.